Dr. K. S. Jagannatha Rao

  • Dr. K. S. Jagannatha Rao is Presently associated with Prathista, a Global company as “Global Scientific Advisor”
  • https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=KdxFTCkAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate
  • Pro-Chancellor, Koneru Lakshmaiah Deemed to be University, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh
  • Senior Vice President and Advisor for Science, Global Listeners Association, USA
  • Associate Member of the Harvard Medical School and Harvard University Alumni Associations, USA (2021-present)
  • Distinguished Emeritus Professor and Scientist, National Science System, Panama. (2010-present)
  • Adjunct Faculty of Biomedical Informatics UTHS, Houston, USA (2016-present)
  • Advisor, Minority Health Committee, UT El Paso, USA (2012-till date)
  • Former Director, Institute for Scientific Research and Technology Services (INDICASAT-AIP), Panama. (2010-2021)
  • Former Advisor, Ministry of Science and Technology, Republic Panama (2010-2014)


Currently I am the Pro Chancellor at KL deemed University, India, and I am involved in the transformation of the University into one with a Global model bringing innovations as its distinguishing feature and building the Brain Research Centre. In April of 2010, I was selected through an open contest, posted in the scientific journal Nature, to become the CEO, Director and Distinguished Professor of the Institute of Scientific Research and High Technology Services (INDICASAT AIP) in the Republic of Panama. My advocacy resulted in the construction of a $30 million research facility known as PRISM (Panamanian Research Institutes of Science and Medicine) completed in 2014. By prioritizing scientific performance and productivity the institute increased its number of publications and its global impact (by over 200%) to become the most productive Panamanian scientific research institute in the country. For developing countries to be successful in a globalized world of science, technology, and innovation, an aggressive model of institutional development was put to practice which included international collaborations, cultivation of advanced education for innovation, and growth in translational/clinical research. My efforts in building science as a tool for development in emerging countries are highlighted in Nature Blog http://blogs.nature.com/tradesecrets/2012/05/14/panamas-east-west-duo, The Business Year 2016-2018, and Nature 2011.


  • Harvard Medical School, USA- Global Clinical Scholar Program, (2022-2023)
  • The Global Clinical Scholars Research Training at Harvard, Global Networking, Team leadership building
  • The CRA Training Institute | Houston Texas USA
  • Clinical Research Associate Professional Certificate, 2021
  • Sri Venkateswara University, India
  • PhD - Zoology, Biochemical Toxicology and Molecular Physiology, 1984 Effects of DDT and Dieldrin on the ATPase system and antidote screening



Currently supporting to build India-France joint Centre on Responsible and functional AI/ML/DL in understanding

Brain and Related disorders in KL deemed to be University under CEFIPRA Grant 2023. Senior Advisor and build Centre for Neuroscience in Panama (2010 till date)

Involved to build 9 centres (Centre for Neuroscience, Centre for Drug Discovery, Centre for Translational Medicine, Centre for Medical Research, Centre for Cell and Molecular Biology, Centre for Bioinformatics, Centre for Animal studies, ICGEB-Regional Centre, Centre for Nano-medicine) in Republic Panama as Advisor to Ministry of Science and Technology, Panama. Clinical Trial facility using an NIH model with Investigator data base networking, clinical research based facility with all requirements for trials; played a key supportive role in building National Bioethics committee along with establishing 10 IRB’s in Panama to bring down the time to clear trial applications to 8 weeks, and conducted Bioethics and GCP courses to build manpower and established MSc in Clinical research to develop highly trained human resource in collaboration with Harrisburg University, USA, under a program to be run completely in Panama.




Date (MM/YYYY) FROM               TO



Development of Bioethics, GCP and Stem cell national policies, commissioned by the Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation


March 2013




Director of Clinical Research

Good Clinical Practices- NIH-USA

August 2019

July 2021

Consultant for clinical research on anxiety and mental health

Clinical Research Associate Training Institute, Houston, USA

May 2021


Director for Centre for Clinical Trials and Translational Medicine

Sponsors in Clinical Research, conducted by Clinical Research Fastrack, USA

May 2021


Invited participant

Methodist Research Institute, Houston, Texas, USA


April 2011



Collaborative Faculty with Dr. Muralidhar Hegde


Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, USA

October 2007

Nov 2008

Visiting Professor- To develop method to detect alpha-synuclein /beta-amyloid deposits in the ocular region as new biomarker for Alzheimer’s detection


University of Virginia Medical School Charlottesville, USA

March 1996

April 1998

Visiting Scientist to develop an Alzheimer’s animal model using a novel Aluminum-based chemical





Date (MM/YYYY) FROM               TO




Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore, India



April 1987



March 2010

Scientist Professor (2002-2005)

Senior Professor (2005-2010) Neurosciences Department Clinical Neurosciences and Mental Health Research

Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Siena, Italy


Sep 1987


Oct 1987

Visiting Scientist

Developed a road map for Mental Health Research



  • My mission in Panama was to play a key role in building INDICASAT AIP as a model biomedical institution in the country in Interdisciplinary Sciences, with a social impact. All my scientists and doctoral students worked in English, despite Spanish being the official language, which was a unique experimental model in Latin America.
  • In order to create a sustainable ecosystem of research and innovation, students and education are fundamental. As soon as I arrived in Panama, I started the first Ph.D. program in Biotechnology in English, in Latin America. We have since grown academic programs in local and international universities at the MD, Ph.D. and MD/Ph.D. levels.
  • The institute published 750 papers since my arrival in 2010, in high impact journals such as Nature Methods, Nature Biotechnology, PNAS, Lancet, PLOS Med, PLOS Pathogens, Marine Drugs, Molecular Neurobiology, Biomaterials, The Lancet, Biochemica et Biophysica Acta and more, for a total number of citations above 60,000.
  • I reorganized the institute into six centres, a) Centre for Biodiversity and Drug Discovery, b) Centre for Neuroscience,
  • c) Centre for Cell and Molecular Biology of diseases, d) Centre for Clinical Trials and Translational Medicine (which has conducted work for GlaxoSmithKline, Roche, Novartis, PPD and others), e) Centre for Technology Transfer and Innovation Startups, and f) Centre for Academic Affairs. The Institute also developed patents and products and proposed to build the “Innova Parque Panama” in the interior of the country.
  • The Institute attracted funds from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (Phase 1 and first institute to get a Phase 2 grant in Latin America), NIH-USA, UK Foreign Affairs Grants, MRC-UK, ICGEB, NSF-USA, Alzheimer’s Foundation, GEF, etc. The institute also attracted for the first time local philanthropic donations of US$ 0.7 million for Brain Research and 0.2 million for Tuberculosis investigation.
  • The Institute provided special research training to undergraduates and masters’ degree students to familiarize them with innovation. The faculty got involved in training school students under a Young Scientists program created by us: first-of-its kind in Panama.
  • The University of Texas, El Paso, approved to start a joint Ph.D. program with the institute which was a milestone for the region.
  • The Institute became the top model for advancement of science in Central America. Based on its performance, US News showcased my work and named me as one of the best CEOs (www.us-television.tv/articles/indicasat,hybiz.tv). I am covered in the news in the magazine The Business Year 2016, 2017 and 2018 as a global education leader. I was invited by Ministries of Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Uruguay and USA Institutions like Baylor Medical School, Methodist Institute in Texas, University of Texas at El Paso, UTMB in Galveston, and University of South Florida, to present the success story of the institute.
  • From the time I took over until I left, the institute attracted a total of 75 adjunct faculty members from all over the world, including Nobel Laureate Prof. Robert Huber as Distinguished Professor since Feb 2016.
  • My plans for bringing world class science to Panama led me to work very hard in attracting UNIDO associated research body, ICGEB-Italy to select INDICASAT to start a Regional Research Centre in Panama in 2020. By bringing ICGEB, we would make Panama an International Science hub for the region. Country agreements are currently being negotiated. Additionally, I lead the negotiations for the future establishment of the Beijing Genome Research Centre- a Panama-China collaboration agreed by China in 2020.
  • By the time I left I had managed to increase the budget of the institute by more than triple.
  • In recognition of my contributions to the Science development in Panama, the President of Panama honored me with an honorary permanent Green Card residency in Panama.


I have background in Western and Eastern teaching and research practices, background testing/assessment; Standards for Accreditation; E-learning, and curriculum development. All of my work with undergraduates, Masters, Doctorates is highly interactive and helps to foster problem solving and critical thinking in multidisciplinary competitiveness.



In 2011, for the first time in Panama, we invited two Nobel Laureates at the same time: Robert Huber and Ada Yonath for an International Conference on New Discoveries in Brain Science and advocated for the President of Panama to award them Panama’s highest honor, the Manuel Amador Guerrero Condecoration. We also brought Prof. Eric Green (National Human Genome Director, NIH, USA) to the National Conference of the Panamanian Association for the Advancement of Science in 2012.

In 2016, we organized a conference on Biomedicine and Interdisciplinary Sciences through funding from United Kingdom and invited UK-based leading Biomedical and Biodiversity Scientists (Nobel Laureates/FRS/FRSC) to Panama to interact and develop high quality collaboration between Panama and UK. During each of these events, my mission was to emphasize the road to transforming Panama’s service-based economy into a knowledge-based economy. To further this agenda, we facilitated meetings of each of our scientist guests with Members of Parliament and Ministry officials to influence them into increasing investment in science for the sustainable development of Panama.

In 2020 we worked tirelessly to get ICGEB-Italy to recognize INDICASAT (Panama) as a Regional Research Center for Latin America. In addition, our strong research collaborations with countries worldwide (USA, Europe, China) have helped guide Panama’s foreign Ministry´s drafting a national strategy for scientific diplomacy.

The Institute developed collaborations from more than 25 countries all over the world.


  • Adjunct Professor in Biotechnology, Panama. 2019-present
  • Adjunct Professor, University of Panama in Medical Sciences, 2016-present
  • Advisor for Lovely Professional University, India to develop Biotech Centre 2016-present
  • Advisor for RNB University, India for the development of Biological Sciences 2015-present
  • Honorary Professor of Neuroscience, Medical School, Univ of Panama, 2015-present
  • Member of International Cooperation, City of Knowledge, Panama, 2015-present
  • Co-Chairman workshop on “Natural products as Alzheimer’s intervention molecules: Myth or reality” ISN meeting, Korea, August 2009 (By competition)
  • Advisor to JSS University to develop Biomedical Sciences 2009-present. Established the first Depression brain bank in India.
  • Invited reviewer for American Association for Aging Research grants and also for Parkinson’s Disease Society of the United Kingdom, 2008
  • Chairman for symposium on “Brain storm session on Natural neuroprotectants: targets and validation, FAONS meeting December, Thailand, 2008 (By competition)
  • Advisory board member of JSS Medical College, 2007- present
  • Selection committee member of V. University Faculty selection, 2007
  • Invited member for Task force meeting of DBT on Dementia, Sep 2007
  • Invited reviewer for DST grants on Industry related projects, July 2007
  • Chairman for one session in international meeting on metals in Human Health, Athens, Greece, 2001
  • Invited member for task force on Al in water and human health, Canada, 1998 (By Invitation)
  • Editorial Advisory Board Membership in the Indian Journal of Environment and Toxicology, 1991- 1998)
  • Advisory Board Member of Jai Research Foundation (An Industry based research center), Bombay to guide their research programs in Toxicology, 1990-1995.
  • Expert Committee member of Indian Council of Medical Research, Government of India, to work out a program on Food Contamination levels in Indian Food-1993 (By Invitation)
  • Young Scientist Invitee for panel meeting on National Science Policy organized by Department of Science and Technology, Government of India – 1985 (By Invitation)
  • Young Scientist Invitee for DBT Brain Storming Session on Neurobiology to plan future program of work in India – 1985 (By Invitation)
  • Invited Talks from 1987 until present: >350


Field of research specialization: Neurosciences (Molecular Neurodegenerative pathways and Drug Discovery)

  1. Biomarkers in brain disorders:
    • Diet, nutrition and disease with reference to brain disorders
    • MRI studies on depression and Alzheimer’s
    • Involved in blood DNA- and brain banks of clinical
  1. Neuronutrition: Nutrition neuroscience is an emerging discipline shedding light on the fact that nutritional factors are intertwined with human cognition, behavior and emotions.
    • Diet, nutrition and disease with reference to brain disorders
    • Can we develop functional brain foods?
  1. Molecular neuroscience:
    • DNA stability in Alzheimer’s, Parkinson and Depression brains
    • Amyloid and Synuclein aggregation and mathematical modeling of aggregation
    • A new concept on Protein-DNA complexes in neurodegeneration
    • Trace metals in neurodegeneration

Experienced in writing for and managing grants from Federal and Private sector, patents, publications, health reports.


  • IBRO World Congress- Hosting a symposia on DNA repair in Neurodegeneration, Sep, 2023
  • Key Note speaker in International meeting on Neurodegeneration in USA, Dec, 2023
  • Organized a symposia on Innovation from impairment-Autism, April, 2023
  • Chief Guest Editor for JAD for special issue on Novel Molecular pathways and therapeutic challenges in neurodegenerative diseases, 2023
  • Guest Editor for Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology on 'The Self-Renewal and Reprogramming of Cancer Stem Cells and Their Crosstalk with the Immune Microenvironment- 2022
  • Chief Guest Editor for JAD for special issue on Translational neuroscience from Latin America, 2021
  • Review Editor on Aging Psychiatry (specialty section of Frontiers in Psychiatry)-2020
  • Guest Editor for IJMS special issue on Genome and epigenetics, 2020
  • Panama Governor Honour for supporting COVID19 research and Viral transport solution, May 2020
  • Chairman of IBRO-Latin America seeding grant on Neurodegeneration, Panama, Jan 2020
  • TWAS Membership Advisory Committee in the section of Structural Biology and Biological 2019-2020
  • Established UT El Paso (USA)- INDICASAT AIP joint D. program 2018
  • Fellow of The World Academy of Sciences, Italy, 2018
  • INDICASAT AIP under negotiation to host ICGEB Regional Institute in Biomedicine in Panama 2019
  • Distinguished Scientist award of the Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy, 2017
  • Chief Guest Editor for JAD for special issue on Molecular pathways in aging and neurodegeneration, 2017
  • Robert Huber, Nobel Laureate, bestowed as Distinguished Professor of INDICASAT AIP, 2016
  • Created Panama Science Medal by INDICASAT, awarded to Nobel Laureate Robert Huber, GSK Research Chair Moncef Slouai, Methodist President Dr. Mauro Ferrari and President of the Academy of Sciences of China, Prof. Chunli Bai.
  • Chief Guest Editor for JAD for special issue on Molecular pathways in aging and neurodegeneration, 2017
  • Organizing Chairman, International Conference on Biomedicine and Interdisciplinary Sciences, Nobel Laureate Dr. Robert Huber attended, UK Funded- 2016
  • Editorial Member of Canadian Journal of Biotechnology, Canada, 2016
  • Associate Editor of Journal of Translational Genetics and Genomics, USA, 2016
  • Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry, UK, 2016 (612688)
  • Fellow of Royal Society of Biology, UK, 2016 (P0123510)
  • Foreign Fellow of Andhra Pradesh Academy of Sciences, India, 2016
  • Editorial Member of Recent Patents in CNS drugs, 2014
  • Permanent Residency is honored by Panamanian President
  • Adjunct faculty, Biomedical Informatics, UTHS, Houston, USA, 2012-till date
  • Advisory Board Member of minority scholarship in UT- El Paso, USA 2013-till date
  • Editorial Board Member of Austin Journal of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2013
  • Invited Member of Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors, USA, 2013
  • Editorial Board Member of Journal of Gene Therapy for Genetic Disorders, 2014
  • Editorial Board Member of Asian Journal of Neuroscience, 2014
  • Editorial Board Member of Austin Journal of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 2014
  • Distinguished Scientist, National Science System, Panama, 2013
  • Member, National Bioethics committee, Panama, 2013-2015
  • Member, National stem cell policy, Panama, 2012-2014
  • Fellow of Association of Applied Biotechnology,
  • Guest Editor, International Journal of Alzheimer disease on Neuroprotection 2012
  • Organizing chairman for International Conference on Drug discovery for AD, May 30-31, Two Nobel laureate attended the meeting.
  • Chief Guest Editor for JAD for special issue on Drug discovery challenges for brain disorders, released in May 2011
  • Won Gold medal of IAGMH INTAS for research on new evidence on accumulation of Iron and Copper and depletion in Zn and its correlation to DNA integrity in aging human brain regions: relevance to mental health, Thrissur, December 4-5, 2009
  • Invited Editorial Board Member of Recent Patents on CNS Drug Discovery, 2010-2015
  • Invited Editorial Board Member of Journal Research in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 2009-2012
  • Invited Editorial Board Member of Journal of Biophysics and Structural Biology, October 2009 to 2014
  • Co-chair and convener of symposium on Drugs for Alzheimer’s: challenges and targets, for the APSN meeting in 2010 in Thailand along with Prof. Vijayalakshmi Ravindranath from IISc, Prof. Ralph Martin, Australia, Prof. Matsumoto, Japan
  • Invited Associate Editor of Journal of Alzheimer’s disease, 2010-2014
  • Invited Editorial Board member of Open Bioactive molecule Journal, 2009
  • Co-chairman for Karnataka chapter meeting on Psychiatry, 30-31 May 2009
  • Invited Editorial Board member of Neural regeneration, 2009-2012
  • IBRO travel awardee, 2009 to give invited talk in ISN meeting in Korea, August 24-28, 2009
  • Invited International reviewer for Catalan Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Research (CAHTA), Spain to review projects on Mental health, 2009-2012
  • Invited chief guest to inaugurate AICTE sponsored Staff Development program on Herbal Medicine and gave key note talk on Drug discovery for Alzheimer’s disease: challenges, Ooty, March 11th, 2009
  • Invited guest faculty for TSS Srinivasan Neurolinks 2009 program held in Hotel Taj, New Delhi, Feb 15-17th to discuss on Biomarkers and dementia, Feb 17-18, 2009
  • Editorial Board member of Open Pathology Journal, 2009
  • National Advisor for International symposium on Ecology, Environmental health and pollution, Tirupati, July 2009
  • Co-Chairman for workshop on “Natural products as Alzheimer’s intervention molecules: Myth or reality” ISN meeting to be held in Korea in August, 2009 (By competition)
  • Invited reviewer for American Association for Aging Research grants and also for Parkinson’s Disease Society of the United Kingdom, 2008
  • Elected Fellow of Linnaean Society, UK, 2008 (By election)
  • Chairman for symposia on “Brain storm session on Natural neuroprotectants: targets and validation, FAONS meeting December, Thailand, 2008 (By competition)
  • Invited as co-editor (2008) for Journal Current Alzheimer’s Research to publish special issue on “Natural products in AD intervention: myth or reality” (Dr. Sambamurti K is the Editor, K.S.J.Rao as co-editor) (By Invitation)
  • Invited member for Task force discussion meeting of DBT on Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, Sep, 2007
  • Editorial board member of Current trends in Biotechnology and pharmacy, 2007 –till date
  • Invited reviewer for DST grants on Industry related projects, July 2007
  • Elected as Fellow of Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy, India, 2007 (By Election)
  • Elected as Fellow of National Academy of Sciences (Allahabad), India, 2006 (By Election)
  • APSN invitee to give a talk on DNA dynamics in Human Brain, Sri Lanka, 2006 (By Invitation)
  • Awarded International Brain Research Organization travel fellowship to present data on Aluminum-treated aged rabbit as Alzheimer’s animal model in APSN meeting to be held in Singapore in July 2006 (By Selection)
  • Invited as co-editor (2006) for Journal Current Alzheimer’s Research to publish special issue on “Neuronal- Apoptosis: challenges” (Dr. G. Perry is the Editor, Prof. MA Smith and KSJ Rao are co-editors) (By Invitation)
  • Sir V. Raman Award by Karnataka Government, 2003 (By selection)
  • Chairman for one session in international meeting on metals in Human Health, Athens, Greece, 2001 (By Invitation)
  • Invited speaker for FAOBMB meeting held in 2000, Bangalore (By Invitation)
  • Invited member for task force on Al in water and human health, Canada, 1998 (By Invitation)
  • DBT Overseas Associate ship awardee, 1996 (By selection)
  • Chairman, Board of studies to establish Food Toxicology in Madras University, Madras
  • Advisory Board Member of Jai Research Foundation (An Industry based research center), Bombay, to guide their research programs in Toxicology 1990-1995 (By Invitation)
  • The Editorial Advisory Board Membership of Indian Journal of Environment and Toxicology 1991-1998) (By Invitation)
  • Indian Science Congress Association Young Scientist Award-
  • Indira Vasudevan Award given by Indian Association of Biomedical Scientists for novel contribution in the area of in vitro toxicity test models-1984.
  • Outstanding Young Person Award -1984 given by Indian Junior Chambers of
  • Young Scientist Award given by Academy of Environmental Biologists, India -
  • Young Scientist Invitee for panel meeting on National Science Policy organized by Department of Science and Technology, Government of India – 1985 (By Invitation)
  • Young Scientist Invitee for DST Brain Storming Session on Neurobiology to plan future program of work in India – 1985 (By Invitation)
  • Expert Committee member of Indian Council of Medical Research, Government of India to workout program on Food Contamination levels in Indian Food-1993 (By Invitation)
  • Gold medalist in MSc for first rank, V.University, Tirupati-1979
  • Proficiency award, BS in Zoology, V.University, Tirupati, 1977





Funding Agency


In vitro Toxicology Methods


YS-DST, India


Fluoride and Nutritional Intervention


Rajiv Gandhi Water Mission


Genomics change in Alzheimer’s brain




Metals in Human Brain


CSIR, India and CNR-Italy


Genomics in AD brain: PS1 and APOE

2003- 2005



Molecular aspects of aggregation of synuclein -relevance to Parkinson Disease




Atomic Energy, India



DNA dynamics in aging brain


ICMR, India


Plant Based Medicine for Psoriasis


Departament of Biotecnology, India


Role of amyloids in brain disease


Departament of Biotecnology, India


DNA repair


Melo Group, Panama


Genes for obesity




TDP43 Toxicity




DNA repair failure in Parkinson


Parkinson Disease Association


Etiological Linkage of Genome Damage and Repair Deficiencies in Neurodegenerative Diseases




NIH R01- Methodist Research Institute



Stem cell model for Parkinson disease - Mechanism studies







Role of Natural products in the growth and differentiation of stem cells in Cardio myocytes







UK based leading Biomedical and Biodiversity scientists (Nobel

Laureates/FRS/FRSC) visit to Panama




Panama Science and Innovation Fund 2015 by UK



Decellularized Extracellular Matrix Biomaterials as Therapy to Ameliorate




Cerebral Ischemia Damage.


NIH, USA- Univ of Miami, USA


Computational chemistry workshop




Novel Curcumin Derivatives as neuroprotectants in Parkinson disease







Advanced Computational chemistry workshop







International Global awareness on Nutrition and Human health







Line of Credit Grant from India $10 million for Biodiversity and Drug








Line of Credit to develop Technology Innovation Park- $15 million







International workshop on Bioequivalence







WHO study on Vaccine for COVID




International workshop on Cancer-from bench to bed







COVID19 grant on Anxiety and depression assessment







Serological and Biomarker studies in COVID patients








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  • Rao S.J. Naidu R.C and Indira A, Biochemical asymmetry in the muscle of paired pedipalpi of scorpion, Com Physiol Ecol,3(3),148-150 (1978)
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  • Prakash T and Rao K.S.J. Modulations in antioxidant enzymes in different tissues of marine bivalve Perna Viridis during heavy metal exposure, Mol Cell Biochem, 146,107-114, (1995)
  • Rajan M.T, Champion C.S.K., Vishnuvardhan D, Rao K.S.J and Viswamitra M.A., Interaction of Co, Mn, Mg and Al with d (GCGTACGC): a spectroscopic study, Mol Biol Rep.22, 47-52, (1996)
  • Rajan T, Rao K.S.J. Mamatha, B.M, Rao R.V, Shanmugavelu P, Menon R and Pavithrin K, Quantification of Trace elements in Normal human brain by ICPAES, J Neurol Sci, 146, 153-166, (1997)
  • Rao S.J and Eswaran K.R.K, Al-27 NMR Spectroscopy studies on aluminum transport across Yeast cell membranes, Mol Cell Biochem, 175, 59-63, (1997)
  • Rao G.V and Rao K.S.J. Modulation in K transport across synaptosomal membranes, J Neurol Sci, 147, 127-133, (1997)
  • Rao K.S.J. Letada P, Haverstick D.M, Hermann M.M, and Savory J, Modifications to the in situ TUNEL method for detection of apoptosis in paraffin-embedded tissue section, Ann Clin Lab Sci, 28, 3, 131-137, (1998)
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  • Champion S.D, Rajan M.T, Rao K.S.J. and Viswamitra M.A. Interaction of Co, Mn, Mg, and Al with d(GCCCATGGC) and d(CCGGGCCCGG): a spectroscopic study, Cell Mol Life Sci, 54, 488-496, (1998)
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  • Rao S.J. Ramesh J, and Easwaran K.R.K, Neuropeptide Y structure is modulated by aluminum in hypothalamus,
  • Alz Rep, 2, 2, 99-103, (1999)
  • Rao K.S.J. Rao R.V, Shanmugavelu P, and Menon R.B, Trace elements in Alzheimer's brain: a new hypothesis, Alz Rep, 2, 4, 241-246, (1999)
  • Savory J, Rao K.S.J. Huang Y, Lateda P.R, and Hermann M.M. Age related changes in Bcl-2 and Bax ratio, oxidative stress, redox active iron, and apoptosis associated with aluminum induced neurodegeneration: increased susceptibility with aging, NeuroToxicology, 20, 5, 805-818, (1999)
  • Rao K.S.J. Shanmugavelu P, Shankar S.K, Rukmini Devi R.P, Rao R.V, Pande S and Menon R.B, Trace elements in the cerebrospinal fluid in Alzheimer's disease, Alz Rep, 2, 6, 4-9, (1999)
  • Ramesh J, Rao K.S., and Easwaran KRK, Modulations in NAAG and NAA activity by aluminum, Alz Rep, 4, 87-92, (2001)
  • Rao K.S.J. Anitha S, and Latha K.S. Aluminum induced neurodegeneration in hippocampus of aged rabbits mimics Alzheimer's disease Alz Rep, 3(2), 83-88, (2000)
  • Pande S, Anitha S, Pavithrin V, Shanmugavelu P, Rao K.S.J. Vishwanath S, Vengamma V, Wilson G and Rao R.V, Assessment of mineral quality in drinking water in Fluoride rich rural areas in Anantapur district of Andhra Pradesh and Development of Fluoride spot detection kit for rural area, Proc. of International workshop on Fluoride in drinking water: Strategies, Management and Mitigation, 46-56, (2001)
  • Anitha S, Stein R, Rao K.S.J. Latha K.S and Viswamitra M.A, A link between apoptotic DNA damage and DNA topology in Alzheimer's disease brain: A hypothesis. Alz Rep, 4(3), 121-131. (2001)
  • Latha K.S., Anitha S, Lindenboim L, Stein R, Rao K.S.J. and Viswamitra M.A.The Relevance of DNA Structural Dynamics to Neurological Disorders: A new thought. Biotech International, 13(6), 20-24. (2001)
  • Latha K.S, Anitha S, Rao K.S.J and Viswamitra M.A, Molecular understanding of Aluminum- induced topological changes in (CCG)12 triplet repeats: relevance to neurological disorders. Biochem Biophys Acta, 1588, 56-64. (2002)
  • Anitha S, Rao K.S.J. Latha K.S and Viswamitra M.A. First evidence to show the topological change of DNA from B- DNA to Z-DNA conformation in the hippocampus of Alzheimer's brain, Neuromolecular Med, 2, 287-295. (2002)
  • Anitha S and Rao K.S.J. The complexcity of aluminum-DNA interactions: Relevance to Alzheimer's and other neurological disorders. Struct Bond, 104, pages 79-98, (2002)
  • Hegde M.L, Anitha S, Latha K.S., Musthak M.S., Stein R, Ravid R, and Rao K.S.J. First evidence for helical transitions in supercoiled DNA by Amyloid β peptide (1-42) and aluminum: A new insight in understanding Alzheimer's disease, J Mol Neurosci, 22, 19-33, (2004)
  • Hegde M.L and Rao K.S.J. Challenges and complexities of alpha-synuclein toxicity: New postulates in unfolding the mystery associated with Parkinson’s disease, Arch Biochem Biophys, 418, 169-178, (2003)
  • Bharathi, Rao S. J and Stein R. First evidence on induced topological changes in supercoiled DNA by an aluminum D-aspartate complex, J Biol Inorganic Chem, 8, 823-830, (2003)
  • Hegde M.L, Shanmugavelu P, Vengamma B, Rao T.S.S, Menon R.B., Rao R.V. and Rao K.S.J Serum trace elemental levels and the complexity of inter-elemental relationships in patients with Parkinson’s disease, J Trace Elements Med Biol, 18, 163-171, (2004)
  • Hegde M.L, Anitha S and Rao K.S.J. Are Monomer-Oligomer Aggregates of Amyloidogenic Peptides Toxic Species in Neurodegeneration, NeuroBiol Aging (Abstract) P1-261, 25, S2, 170. (2004)
  • Gupta B, Anitha S, Hegde M.L, Zecca L, Garruto R.M, Ravid R, Stein R, Shankar S, Shanmugavelu P, and Rao
  • S.J. Aluminum in Alzheimer’s disease: Are we at a cross road, Cell Mol Life Sci, 62, 143-158, (2005)
  • Sanjay Pande M.B, Nagabhushan P, Hegde M.L, Rao T.S.S, and Rao K.S.J. An algorithmic approach to understand trace elemental homeostasis in serum samples of Parkinson disease, Comput Biol Med, 35, 475-493, (2005)
  • Hegde M.L, Gupta V.B, Anitha M, Harikrishna T, Shankar S.K, Muthane U, Subba Rao K and Rao K.S.J. Studies on Genomic DNA topology and stability in brain regions of Parkinson’s disease, Arch Biochem Biophys, 449, 143-156, (2006)
  • Rao K.S.J. Hegde M.L, Anitha S, Zuuca F, Torr T, and Zecca L. Amyloid beta and Neuromelanin: toxic or protective molecules? The cellular context makes the difference, Prog Neurobiol, 78, 364-(2006)
  • Gupta V.B, Hegde M.L, and Rao K.S.J. The role of protein dynamics and DNA integrity in Cell death in neurodegeneration, Curr Alz Res, 2, 291-302, (2006)
  • Bharathi, Ravid R, and Rao K.S.J. Role of metal in neuronal apoptosis: Challenges associated with neurodegeneration, Curr Alz Res, 2, 311-326, (2006)
  • Bharathi S, Sundar NM, Rao TSS, Naidu M.D, Ravika R and Rao K.S.J. A new insight on Al-maltolate treated aged rabbit as Alzheimer’s animal model, Brain Res Reviews, 52, 272-292 (2006) (Fig 4 appeared on the cover page of the journal)
  • Anitha S, Hegde M.L, and Rao K.S.J. New evidence for DNA nicking property of amyloid (42): Relevance to Alzheimer’s disease, Arch Biochem Biophys, 463(2):245-52, (2007)
  • Hegde M.L and Rao K.S.J. DNA induces folding in a-synuclein: Understanding the mechanism using chaperone property of osmolytes, Arch Biochem Biophys., 464, 57–69, (2007)
  • Bharathi, Indi S.S, and Rao K.S.J. Copper- and iron-induced differential fibril formation in alpha-synuclein: TEM study, Neurosci Lett. 424(2):78-82, (2007)
  • Bharathi, and Rao K.S.J, Thermodynamics imprinting reveals differential binding of metals to alpha-synuclein: relevance to Parkinson's disease. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 59(1):115-20, (2007)
  • Rao T.S.S, Zecca L, and Rao K.S.J. Trace metals, neuromelanin and neurodegeneration: An interesting area for research, Ind J Psychiatry, 49, 154-156, (2007)
  • Gupta V.B, and Rao S.J. Anti-amyloidogenic activity of S-allyl L- cysteine and its activity to destabilize Ab fibrils
  • in vitro. Neurosci Letts 429, 75–80, (2007)
  • Gupta V.B Indi S.S and Rao K.S.J. Role of amino acid stereospecificity on amyloid beta aggregation, J Mol Neurosci. 34(1), 35-43, (2008)
  • Nadler Y, Alexandrovich A, Grigoriadis N, Hartmann T, Rao K.S.J. Shohami E, and Stein R, Increased Expression of the Secretase Components Presenilin-1 and Nicastrin in activated astrocytes and microglia following traumatic brain injury, Glia, 56(5), 552-67 (2008)
  • Vasudavaraju P, Bharathi, Garruto M, Kumar S, and Rao K.S.J. Role of DNA dynamics in Alzheimer’s disease,
  • Brain Res Review, 58, 136-148, (2008)
  • Bharathi, and Rao K.S.J. Molecular understanding of copper and iron interactions with alpha-synuclein: Fluorescence studies, J Mol Neurosci, 35, 273-281, (2008)
  • Gupta V.B, India S.S and Rao K.S.J. Garlic extract exhibits anti-amyloidogenic activity on amyloid-beta fibrillogenesis: Relevance to Alzheimer’s disease, Phytotherapy Res, 23, 111-115, (2008)
  • Mustak, M.S., Rao T.S.S., Shanmugavelu P, ShamaSundar N.M,.Menon R.B, Rao R.V, and Rao S.J. Assessment of serum trace element homeostasis and the complexity of inter-element relationships in bipolar mood disorders. Clinica Chemica Acta, 394(1-2), 47-53, (2008)
  • Chitra V, Demos M, Rao K.S.J. Pappolla M.A, Sambamurti K, Beta-secretase: structure, function, and evolution,
  • CNS and Neurological Disorders Drug Targets, 7, 278-294, (2008)
  • Vasudevaraju Rao S.M and Rao K.S.J. Studies on actinomycin-D induced changes in supercoiled DNA integrity,
  • Curr Trends Biotechnol and Pharmacy, 2, 433-441, (2008)
  • Sambamurti K, Pappolla A and Rao K.S.J. Value in Development of a TAPIR-like mouse monoclonal antibody to Aβ, J Alzheimers Dis, 14 (2), 175-177, (2008)
  • Bharathi, Naghabhushan P and Rao K.S.J. Mathematical approach to understand the kinetics of alpha-synuclein aggregation: relevance to Parkinson's disease, Comput Biol Med, 38, 1084-93, (2008)
  • Bharathi, Vasudevaraju P, Govindarajulu M, and Rao S.J. Molecular understanding of Aluminum neurotoxicity,
  • Ind J Med Res, 128, 184-196, (2008)
  • Rao S.S, Asha M. R, Ramesh B. N., and Rao K. S.J, Understanding nutrition, depression, and mental illnesses, Ind J Psychiatry, 50(2), 3-7, (2008)
  • Hegde L, Bharathi, Anitha S, Rao K.S.J. Zatta P, and Zecca L, Challenges associated with metal chelation therapies in Alzheimer’s disease. J Alzheimers Dis, 17(3):457-68 (2009)
  • Rao T.S.S and Rao K.S.J. Consanguinity and mental health in south Indian population, Ind J Psychiatry, 51(1), 3-5, (2009)
  • Rao S.S, Prabhakar A.K, Rao K.S.J. Sambamurthi K, Asha M.R, Ram D, and Ananya N, Relationship between consanguinity and depression in a south Indian population, Ind J Psychiatry, 51(1), 50-53, (2009)
  • Rashmi R, Rao S.J. and Basavaraj K.H, Biomarkers in Psoriasis, Clin Dermarol and Pathol, 34(6):658-63 (2009)
  • Basavaraj H, Rashmi R, and Rao K.S.J. Trace metals in psoriasis, Clinica Chemica Acta, 405(1-2):66-70 (2009)
  • Rao S.S and Rao K.S.J. New drug discovery for Alzheimer's disease: Challenges and hopes, Ind J Psychiatry, 51
  • (2) 79-81, (2009)
  • Asha M R, Hithamani G, Rashmi R, Basavaraj H, Rao K.S.J. and Rao T.S.S, History, mystery and chemistry of eroticism: Emphasis on sexual health and dysfunction, Ind J Psychiatry, 51(2), 141-149, (2009)
  • Hegde M.L, Vasudevaraju P and Rao K.S.J. Synuclein-DNA interactions in relevance to neurodegeneration, Front Biosci, 15, 418-36, (2010)
  • Ramesh B.N, Rao T.S.S, Sambamurti K, and Rao K.S.J. Neuronutrition and Alzheimer’s disease, J Alzheimers Dis, 19(4):1123-39, (2010)
  • Rao T.S.S, Asha M.R, Rao K.S.J. and Vasudevaraju P, The Biochemistry of belief, Ind J Psychiatry, 405(1-2):66-70, (2010)
  • Ramesh B.N, Shamsundar N.M, Rao T.S.S, and Rao K.S.J. Molecular studies on abeta induced genomic instability in aged rabbit brain, Neurochem Int, 56(5):655-62, (2010)
  • Ramesh N., Indi S.S. and Rao K.S.J. Anti-amyloidogenic property of C.Crista , Neurosci letts, 475 110–114, (2010)
  • Rao S.S, Praveena B, and Rao K.S.J. Geriatric mental health: Recent trends in molecular neuroscience, Ind J Psychiatry, 52, 1-5, (2010)
  • Rao S.S, Ramesh B.N, Vasu P, and Rao K.S.J. Molecular biology research in neuropsychiatry: India’s contribution, Ind J Psychiatry, 52(Suppl 1): S120-7, (2010)
  • Vasu P, Indi S, and Rao K.S.J. New evidences on Tau-DNA interactions: relevance to neurodegeneration,
  • Neurochem Int, 57(1):51-7, (2010)
  • Ramesh B.N, Indi S.S, and Rao K.S.J. Studies to understand the effect of Centella asiatica on Abeta(42) aggregation in vitro, Curr Trends Biotechnol Pharmacy, 4 (2) 716-724, (2010)
  • Prakasam A, Muthuswamy A, Abolon Z, Greig NH, Abdul Fauq, Rao K.S.J. Pappolla MA, and Sambamurti K, Differential accumulation of secreted APP Metabolites in ocular fluids, J Alzheimers Dis, 20(4):1243-53, (2010)
  • Hegde M.L, Hegde P.M, Holthauzen L.M, Hazra T.K, Rao K.S.J. and Mitra S, Specific inhibition of NEIL-initiated repair of oxidized base damage in human genome by copper and iron: potential etiological linkage to neurodegenerative diseases, J Biol Chem, 10;285(37), (2010)
  • Vasudevaraju P, Bharathi, Jyothsna T, Shamasundar NM, Rao K.S, Balaraj B.M, Rao K.S.J. and Rao T.S.S, New evidence on iron, copper accumulation and zinc depletion and its correlation with DNA integrity in aging human brain regions, Ind J Psychiatry, 52 (2), 140-147, (2010)
  • Mustak M.S, Hegde M.L, Dinesh A, Britton G.B, Berrocal R, Rao K.S, Shamasundar N.M, Rao K.S.J and Rao T.S.S, Evidence of altered DNA integrity in the brain regions of suicidal victims of Bipolar Depression, Indian J Psychiatry. 52(3):220-8, (2010)
  • Muruganantham N, Basavaraj H, Dhanabal S.P, Praveen T.K, Shamasundar N.M, and Rao K.S.J. Screening of
  • Caesalpinia bonduc leaves for antipsoriatic J Ethnopharmacol, 133(2):897-901, (2011)
  • Gadad B.S, Britton G.B, and Rao K.S.J, Targeting oligomers in neurodegenerative disorders: lessons from α- synuclein, tau, and amyloid-β Peptide. J Alzheimers Dis. 24:223-32, (2011)
  • Padmaraju V, Bhaskar J.J, Prasada Rao U.J, Salimath P.V, and Rao K.S.J, Role of advanced glycation on aggregation and DNA binding properties of α-synuclein, J Alzheimers Dis. 24:211-21, (2011)
  • Britton G.B and Rao K.S.J, Cognitive aging and early diagnosis challenges in Alzheimer's disease, J Alzheimers 24:153-9, (2011)
  • Hegde M.L, Hegde P.M, Rao K.S.J and Mitra S, Oxidative genome damage and its repair in neurodegenerative diseases: function of transition metals as a double-edged sword, J Alzheimers Dis.24:183-98, (2011)
  • Ramesh B.N, Raichurkar K.P, Shamasundar N.M, Rao T.S.S. and Rao K.S.J. Ab(42) induced MRI changes in aged rabbit brain resembles AD brain, Neurochem Int, 59(5):637-42, (2011)
  • Krishna K.A, Krishna K.S, Berrocal R, Rao K.S.J. and Sambasiva Rao K.R, Myocardial infarction and stem cells. J Pharm Bioallied Sci. 3(2):182-8, (2011)
  • Gadad B.S, Subramanya P.K, Pullabhatla S, Shantharam I.S, and Rao K.S.J. Curcumin-glucoside, A novel synthetic derivative of curcumin inhibits α-synuclein oligomer formation: relevance to parkinson's disease. Curr Pharm Des, 18(1):76-84, (2012)
  • Govindaraju, M, Monica F.S, Berrocal R, Sambasiva Rao K.R.S. and Rao K.S.J. First evidence for aluminum-maltol driven B to Z-DNA conformational transition in Poly d(GC). d(GC): relevance to Alzheimer’s disease, Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy, 205, 6 (2) 197-204, (2012)
  • Vasudevaraju, P, Guerrero N.E, Hegde M.L, Collen B, Britton G.B, and Rao K.S.J. New evidence on a-synuclein and tau binding to conformation and sequence specific GC* rich DNA: Relevance to neurological disorders, J Pharm Bioallied Sci, 4(2):112-7, (2012)
  • Sugaya K, Youdim B, Nordberg A, and Rao K.S.J. Neuroprotection and neuroregeneration in Alzheimer's disease. Int J Alzheimers Dis.:864138, (2012)
  • Ramesh N, Javagal M.R, Pullabhatla S, Htoo H.H, Rao K.S.J. Hernandez JF, Govitrapong P, and Vincent B, Activation of α-secretase by curcumin-aminoacid conjugates., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 424(4):691-6, (2012)
  • Basavaraj H, Vasu Devaraju P, and Rao K.S.J. Studies on serum 8-hydroxy guanosine (8-OHdG) as reliable biomarker for psoriasis, J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol, 27(5):655-7, (2013)
  • Fernández L, Britton G.B and Rao K.S.J, Potential immunotargets for Alzheimer's disease treatment strategies.
  • J Alzheimers Dis., 33(2):297-312, (2013)
  • Gupta V.B, Monica F.S, Berrocal R, Rao K.S., and Rao K.S.J, Studies on the mechanism of the DNA nicking property amyloid-β40: Implications in Alzheimer's disease. J Alzheimers Dis., 33(4):1059-71, (2013)
  • Guerrero N.E, Vasudevaraju P, Hegde M.L, Britton G.B, and Rao K.S.J, Recent advances in α-synuclein functions, advanced glycation, and toxicity: implications for Parkinson's disease. Mol Neurobiol. 47(2):525-36, (2013)
  • Ramesh B.N, Girish T.K, Raghavendra R.H, Naidu K.A, Prasada Rao U.J.S and Rao K.S.J. Comparative study on anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of Caesalpinia crista and Centella asiatica leaf extracts, J Pharm Bioallied Sci, 6(2):86-91, (2014)
  • Villarreal A.E, Barron R, Rao K.S.J and Britton G.B, The effects of impaired cerebral circulation on Alzheimer's disease pathology: evidence from animal studies. J Alzheimer’s Dis, 42(3):707-22, (2014)
  • Mitra J, Guerrero N.E, Hegde P.M, Wang H, Boldogh I, Rao K.S.J. Mitra S, and Hegde M.L, New perspectives on oxidized genome damage and repair inhibition by pro-oxidant metals in neurological diseases, Biomolecules, 4(3), 678-703, (2014)
  • Madrigal M, Rao K.S.J. and Riordan N.H, A review of therapeutic effects of mesenchymal stem cell secretions and induction of secretory modification by different culture methods, J Transl Med, 12(1):260-8 (2014)
  • Mitra J, Vasquez V, Hegde P.M, Boldogh I, Mitra S, Kent T.A, Rao K.S.J. and Hegde M.L, Revisiting metal toxicity in neurodegenerative diseases and stroke: Therapeutic potential, Neurol Res Ther, 1(2), 107 (2014)
  • Lakey-Beitia J, Berrocal R, Rao K.S.J and Durant AA, Polyphenols as therapeutic molecules in Alzheimer's disease through modulating amyloid pathways. Mol Neurobiol. 51(2):466-79, (2015)
  • Berrocal R, Velmarini V, Sambasiva Rao K.R, Bharathi G, and Rao K.S.J. α-synuclein misfolding versus aggregation relevance to Parkinson’s disease: critical assessment and modeling, Mol Neurobiol, 51(3):1417-31, (2015)
  • Erika N. Guerrero, Haibo Wang, Joy Mitra, Pavana Hegde, Sara E. Stowell, Nicole F Liachko, Brian C. Kraemer, Ralph M. Garruto, K. S. Rao, and Muralidhar L. Hegde, TDP-43/FUS in Motor Neuron Disease: Complexity and Challenges. Prog Neurobiol, Oct - Nov;145-146:78-97 (2016)
  • Haibo Wang, Prakash Dharmalingam, Velmarini Vasquez, Joy Mitra, Istvan Boldogh, K. S. Rao, Thomas A. Kent, Sankar Mitra and Muralidhar L. Hegde, Chronic Oxidative Damage together with Genome Repair Deficiency in the Neurons is a Double Whammy for Neurodegeneration: Is Damage Response Signaling a Potential Therapeutic Target? Mech Ageing Dev, Jan;161(Pt A):163-176 (2017)
  • Johant Lakey-Beitia, Deborah Doens, Enrique Murillo, Patricia L. Fernández, K. S. Rao, Armando A. Durant- Archibold Anti-amyloid aggregation activity of novel carotenoids: implications for Alzheimer’s drug discovery, Clin Interv Aging, May 15;12:815-822 (2017)
  • Johant Lakey-Beitia, Yisett González, Deborah Doens , David E. Stephens, Ricardo Santamaría, Enrique Murillo, Marcelino Gutiérrez, Patricia L. Fernández, K. S. Rao, Oleg V. Larionov, Armando A. Durant-Archibold, Assessment of Novel Curcumin Derivatives as Potent Inhibitors of Inflammation and β-Amyloid Aggregation in Alzheimer’s Disease, J Alzheimer’s Dis, 60:S59-S68. (2017)
  • Velmarini Vasquez, Joy Mitra, Pavana M. Hegde, Arvind Pandey, Shiladitya Sengupta, Sankar Mitra, K. S. Rao, and Muralidhar L. Hegde, Chromatin-bound oxidized α-Synuclein causes strand breaks in neuronal genomes in in vitro models of Parkinson’s disease, J Alzheimer’s Dis, 60 S133–S150 (2017)
  • Rao KS Molecular Pathways in Normal Aging and Neurodegenerative diseases: Mechanisms and Therapeutics, J Alzheimer’s Dis, 60 S1–S2 (2017).
  • Govindaraju, K.S. Rao Jayanth, D. Jagadeesh Kumar, U.J.S. Prasada Rao, K.R. Sambasiva Rao and K.S. Rao, Studies on Copper and A1-16-Induced Conformational Changes in CAG/CTG Trinucleotide Repeats Sequence, JAD Reports, 1(1), 277-286, (2017)
  • Vasquez V, Mitra J, Perry G, Rao KS, Hegde ML, An Inducible Alpha-Synuclein Expressing Neuronal Cell Line Model for Parkinson's Disease. J Alzheimers Dis. 2018;66(2):453-460. doi: 10.3233/JAD-180610.
  • Joy Mitra, Erika N Guerrero, Pavana M Hegde, Nicole F Liachko, Haibo Wang, Velmarini Vasquez, Junling Gao, Arvind Pandey, J. Paul Taylor, Brian C Kraemer, Ping Wu, Istvan Boldogh, Ralph M Garruto, Sankar Mitra, Jagannatha KS Rao, Muralidhar L Hegde, Motor Neuron Disease-Associated Loss of Nuclear TDP-43 is Linked to DNA Double- Strand Break Repair Defects, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. Feb 15. pii: 201818415. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1818415116, 2019
  • Erika N Guerrero, Joy Mitra, Haibo Wang, Suganya Rangaswamy, Pavana M. Hegde, Priyadarshini Basu, Rao KS and Muralidhar L Hegde, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)-associated TDP-43 mutation Q331K prevents nuclear translocation of XRCC4-DNA ligase 4 complex and is linked to genome damage-mediated neuronal apoptosis, Human Mol Genetics, Sep 2. pii: ddz062. doi: 10.1093/hmg/ddz141, 2019
  • Kuruc JC, Durant-Archibold AA, Motta J, Rao KS, Trachtenberg B, Ramos C, Wang H, Gorenstein D, Vannberg F, Jordan K, Development of anthracycline-induced dilated cardiomyopathy due to mutation on LMNA gene in a breast cancer patient: a case report, BMC Cardiovasc Disord. Jul 16;19(1):169. doi: 10.1186/s12872-019-1155-7, 2019
  • Johant Lakey, Jagadeesh Kumar, Hegde ML, Rao KS, Carotenoids as novel therapeutic molecules against neurodegenerative disorders: Chemistry and Molecular Docking Analysis, Int J Molecular Sciences 20, 5553; doi:10.3390/ijms20225553, 2019
  • Vasquez V, Mitra J, Wang H, Hegde PM, Rao KS, Hegde ML, A multi-faceted genotoxic network of alpha- synuclein in the nucleus and mitochondria of dopaminergic neurons in Parkinson's disease: Emerging concepts and Prog Neurobiol. 185:101729. doi: 10.1016/j.pneurobio.2019.101729, 2020
  • Rao KS, Vaddi Suryaprakash, Rajappa Senthilkumar, Senthilkumar Preethy, Shojiro Katoh, Samuel Abraham, Role of immune dysregulation in increased mortality among a specific subset of COVID- 19 patients and immune- enhancement strategies for combatting through nutritional supplements. Front Immunol, 11:1548. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.01548, 2020
  • Jose R. Loaiza, K.S. Rao, Gilberto Eskildsen, Eduardo Ortega, Matthew J. Miller and Rolando A. Gittens, COVID- 19 pandemic in Panama: lessons of the unique risks and research opportunities for Latin America, Rev Panam Salud Publica. 44:e86 https://doi.org/10.26633/ RPSP.2020.86, 2020
  • Mohammad Nami, Bharathi S Gadad, Li Chong, Usman Ghumman, Amogh Misra, Shrikanth S. Gadad, Dharmendra Kumar, George Perry, Rao KS, Neuropsychological Impact from COVID-19: Challenges and Remedies, J Clinic Med, 9, 2624, 2020
  • Mohammad Nami, Samrad Mehrabi, Ali-Mohammad Kamali, Mahshid Tahamtan, Sabri Derman and Rao KS, Spatial Distribution of K-Complexes in Sleep Quantitative-EEG among Subjects with Cogniform Disorder, Scandinavia Journal of Sleep Medicine, 1(1): 1-6, 2020
  • Abolfazl Alipour, Azadeh Mozhdehfarahbakhsh, Saba Nouri, Peyman Petramfar, Mahshid Tahamtan, Ali- Mohammad kamali, Rao KS, Mohammad Nami, Studies on the bottom-up and top-down neural information flow alterations in neurodegeneration. Journal of Alzheimer’s disease, 78, 1, 169-183, 2020
  • Mohammad Nami, Samrad Mehrabi, Ali-Mohammad Kamali, Milad Kazemiha, Jose Carvalho, Sabri Derman, Johant Lakey-Beitia, Velmarini Vasquez, Rao kosagi-sharaf, A New Hypothesis on Anxiety, Sleep Insufficiency and Viral Infections; Reciprocal Links to Consider in Today’s “World vs. COVID-19” Endeavors, Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11:585893. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.585893, 2020.
  • Masoumeh Bayat, Malihe Sabeti, KS Rao, Mohammad The clinical outcome of concurrent speech therapy and transcranial direct current stimulation in dysarthria and palilalia following traumatic brain injury: A case study, Neuroregulation, 7, 118-128, 2020
  • Nobunao Ikewaki; Kosagi-Sharaf Rao; Armando Durant Archibold; Masaru Iwasaki; Rajappa Senthilkumar; Senthilkumar Preethy; Shojiro Katoh; Samuel JK Abraham. Coagulopathy associated with COVID-19 – Perspectives & Preventive strategies using a Biological Response Modifier Glucan. Thrombosis Journal, 18:27, 2-8, 2020
  • Augusto Hernandez, Paul Muñoz, Jose C. Rojas, Gilberto A. Eskildsen, Julio Sandoval, Rao K. S, Rolando A. Gittens, Jose R. Loaiza, Epidemiological chronicle of the first recovered coronavirus disease patient from Panama: Evidence of early cluster transmission in a high school of Panama City, Frontiers in Public Health, doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2020.553730, 2020
  • Temistocles Diaz, Barry H Trachtenberg, Samuel JK Abraham, Rao KosagiSharaf, Armando A. Durant-Archibold, Aspirin Bioactivity for Prevention of Cardiovascular Injury in COVID-19, Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, 7, 562708, 2020
  • KS Rao, V Suryaprakash, R Senthilkumar, S Preethy, S Katoh, N Ikewaki, Samuel Abraham, Role of immune dysregulation in increased mortality among a specific subset of COVID-19 patients and immune-enhancement strategies for combatting through nutritional supplements, Frontiers in immunology 11, 1548, 2020
  • V Vasquez, J Mitra, H Wang, PM Hegde, KS Rao, ML Hegde, A multi-faceted genotoxic network of alpha- synuclein in the nucleus and mitochondria of dopaminergic neurons in Parkinson’s disease: Emerging concepts and challenges, Progress in neurobiology 185, 101729, 2020
  • Nobunao Ikewaki, Kosagi-Sharaf Rao, Armando Durant Archibold, Masaru, Coagulopathy associated with COVID-19 – Perspectives & Preventive strategies using a biological response modifier Beta Glucan, Thrombosis Journal 18 (27), 2-8, 2020
  • Alcibiades Villarreal, Giselle Rangel, Xu Zhang, Digna Wong, Gabrielle Britton, Patricia Fernandez , Ambar Pérez, Diana Oviedo, Carlos Restrepo, María B. Carreirra, Dilcia Sambrano , Gilberto Eskildsen, Carolina De La Guardia , Yamitzel Zaldivar , Danilo Franco, Sandra López-Vergès, Dexi Zhang, Fanjing Fan, Baojun Wang, Xavier Sáez-Llorens, Rodrigo DeAntonio, Ivonne Torres-Atencio , Eduardo Ortega-Barria, Rao Kosagisharaf, Ricardo Lleonart, Li Chong, Amador Goodridge, and COVID-19 serology collaborator Performance of a point of care test for detecting IgM and IgG antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 and seroprevalence in blood donors and health care workers in Panama. Front Med (Lausanne), 2021 Mar 2;8:616106. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2021.616106. eCollection 2021.
  • KS Rao, V Suryaprakash, R Senthilkumar, S Preethy, S Katoh, N Ikewaki, Samuel Abraham, Role of immune dysregulation in increased mortality among a specific subset of COVID-19 patients and immune-enhancement strategies for combatting through nutritional supplements, Frontiers in immunology 11, 1548, 2020
  • Nobunao Ikewaki, Kosagi-Sharaf Rao, Armando Durant Archibold, Masaru, Coagulopathy associated with COVID-19 – Perspectives & Preventive strategies using a biological response modifier Beta Glucan, Thrombosis Journal 18 (27), 2-8, 2020
  • Johant Lakey, Velmarini Vasquez, Randy Mojica-Flores, C AL Fuentes, E Murillo, ML Hedge, KS Rao, Pouteria sapota (Red Mamey Fruit): Chemistry and Biological Activity of Carotenoids, Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening, 28 Feb 2021, DOI: 10.2174/1386207324666210301093711, 2021
  • Debanjan Banerjee, Rao KS, TSS Rao, The Dual Pandemic’ of Suicide and COVID-19: A Bio-Psychosocial Narrative of Risks and Prevention, Psychiatry Res, 295, 113577, 2021.
  • Guoqing Wang, Chong Li, Zhuoyuan Xin, Luyun He, Jing Ning, Kaisu Lin, Jiahui Pan, Rao KS, and Hong Zhu, cFUT8 promotes liver cancer progression by miR-548c/FUT8 axis, Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy, 6, 30, 2021
  • Johant Lakey-Beitia, Andrea M. Burillo, Giovanni La Penna, Muralidhar L. Hegde, and K.S.Rao, Polyphenols as Potential Metal Chelation Compounds against Alzheimer’s Disease, J Alzheimers Dis, 82(s1):S335-S357. doi: 10.3233/JAD-200185, 2021
  • Nobunao Ikewaki, Masaru Iwasaki, Gene Kurosawa, Kosagi-Sharaf Rao, Johant Lakey-Beitia, Senthilkumar Preethy & Samuel JK Abraham. β-glucans: wide-spectrum immune-balancing food-supplement-based enteric (β- WIFE) vaccine adjuvant approach to COVID-19, Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, doi.org/10.1080/21645515.2021.1880210, 2021,
  • Mohsen Farvardin, Mohammadkarim Johari, Mahshid Tahamtan, Mohammad-Taghi Najafi, Reza Farvardin, S. Jagannatha Rao & Mohammad Nami, Ophthalmic manifestations of COVID-19; a less-appreciated yet significant          challenge,          International               Ophthalmology               volume               41, 1141–1147,                  2021
  • K S Jagannatha Rao , Gabrielle B Britton , Luisa Lilia Rocha Arrieta , Norberto Garcia-Cairasco , Alberto Lazarowski , Adrián Palacios , Antoni Camins Espuny , Ricardo B Maccioni, Translational Research and Drug Discovery for Neurodegeneration: Challenges for Latin America, J Alzheimers Dis, 82(s1):S1-S4. doi: 10.3233/JAD-210245, 2021
  • Nobunao Ikewaki, Vidyasagar Devaprasad Dedeepiya, Kadalraja Raghavan, Kosagi-Sharaf Rao, Suryaprakash Vaddi, Hiroshi Osawa, Tomohiko Kisaka, Gene Kurosawa, Subramaniam Srinivasan, Seydunganallu Ramasamy Balaganesa Kumar, Rajappa Senthilkumar, Masaru Iwasaki, Senthilkumar Preethy, Samuel JK Abraham, β‑glucan vaccine adjuvant approach for cancer treatment through immune enhancement (B‑VACCIEN) in specific immunocompromised populations, Oncology reports 47 (1), 1-9, 2021
  • KS Rao, Gabrielle B Britton, Luisa Lilia Rocha Arrieta, Norberto Garcia-Cairasco, Alberto Lazarowski, Adrián Palacios, Antoni Camins Espuny, Ricardo B Maccioni, Translational Research and Drug Discovery for Neurodegeneration: Challenges for Latin America, Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, vol. 82, s1, p. 1-4, 2021
  • Adrian Orjuela, Johant Lakey-Beitia, Randy Mojica-Flores, Muralidhar L Hegde, Isaias Lans, Jorge Alí-Torres, KS Rao, Computational evaluation of interaction between curcumin derivatives and amyloid-β monomers and fibrils: Relevance to Alzheimer’s disease, Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 82 (s1), S321-S333, 2021
  • Hermógenes Fernández-Marín, Gaspar Bruner-Montero, Ana Portugal-Loayza , ,Virginia Miranda , Alcibiades Elias Villarreal Dominguez , Eduardo Ortega-Barría ,Virginia Núñez-Samudio ,,Iván Landires, Luis Mejía , Sandra López-Vergès , William T. Wcislo and Jagannatha Rao Kosagisharaf , Dynamics of Mask Use as a Prevention Strategy against SARS-CoV-2 in Panama, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18(24), 12982; https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph182412982
  • K Raghavan, VD Dedeepiya, V Suryaprakash, KS Rao, N Ikewaki, Samuel JK Abraham, Beneficial Effects of novel Aureobasidium Pullulans strains produced Beta-1, 3-1, 6 Glucans on Interleukin-6 and D-Dimer levels in COVID-19 patients; results of a randomized trials, Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 145, 112243, 2022
  • Mariangela Soberón Felín, JD Kanix Wang, Andrew Grose Aliya Moreira, Karen Leahy, RN Ying Zhou, Fatima Alibana Clouser, Maryam Siddiqui, Nicole Leong, Perpetua Goodall, Morgan Michalowski, Mahmoud Ismail, Monica Christmas, Stephen Schrantz, Zuleima Caballero, Ximena Norero, Dora Estripeaut, David Ellis, Catalina Raggi
  • Catherine Castro, Davina Moossazadeh Margarita Ramirez Abhinav Pandey, Samantha Dovgin Ashtyn Dixon, Xuan Li, Ian Begeman Sharon Heichman, Joseph Lykins, Delba Villalobos-Cerrud Lorena Fábrega José Luis Sanchez Montalvo Connie Mendivil Mario R. Quijada Silvia Fernandez-Pirla Valli de La Guardia, Digna Wong, Mayrene Ladrón De Guevara, Carlos Flores Jovanna Borace, Anabel García, Natividad Caballero, Claudia Rengifo-Herrera, Maria Theresa Moreno de Saez Llorens, Michael Politis, Kristen Wroblewski, Theodore Karrison Stephanie Ross Mimansa Dogra Vishan Dhamsania, Nicholas Graves, Marci Kirchberg, Kopal Mathur, Ashley Aue, Carlos M Restrepo, Alejandro Llanes, German Guzmán Arturo Rebellon, Kenneth Boyer, Peter Heydemann, Gwen Noble, Charles Swisher, Peter Rabiah, Shawn Withers, Teri Hull, Chunlei Su, Michael Blair, Paul Latkany, Ernest Mui Daniel Vitor Vasconcelos- Santos, Alcibiades Villarreal, Ambar Perez, JD Carlos Andres Naranjo Galvis, Mónica Vargas Montes Nestor Ivan Cardona Perez, Morgan Ramirez Cy Chittenden Edward Wang Laura Lorena Garcia-López Juliana Muñoz-Ortiz Nicolás Rivera-Valdivia María Cristina Bohorquez-Granados Gabriela Castaño de-la-Torre Guillermo Pradieu Juan David Valencia Hernandez, Daniel Celis-Giraldo John Alejandro Acosta Dávila, Elizabeth Torres, Manuela Mejía Oquendo José Y. Arteaga-Rivera Daniel Nicolai, Andrey Rzhetsky, Nancy Roizen, Eileen Stillwaggon, Larry Sawers, Francois Peyron, Martine Wallon, Emanuelle Chapey Pauline Levigne Carmen Charter, Migdalia De Frias, Jose Montoya, Raymund Ramirez Despina Contopoulos-Ioannidis, Yvonne Maldonado, Oliver Liesenfeld, Carlos Gomez, Kelsey Wheeler, Samantha Zehar, James McAuley, Denis Limonne, Sandrine Houze, Raphael Piarroux, Vera Tesic, Kathleen Beavis, Ana Abeleda Mari Sautter, Bouchra El Mansouri, Adlaoui El Bachir, Fatima Amarir, Kamal El Bissati, David Frim, Richard Penn David McLone Ellen Holfels william cohen Alejandra De-la-Torre, Gabrielle Britton, Jorge Motta, Eduardo Ortega, Isabel Luz Romero, Paul Meir, Michael Grigg, Jorge Gómez-Marín, Jagannatha Rao Kosagisharaf, Xavier Sáez Llorens, Osvaldo Reyes, Rima McLeod, Building Programs to Eradicate Toxoplasmosis: I. Introduction, Background; II Education; III Spatial Epidemiology and Risk Factors. Current Pediatrics Reports, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40124-022-00265-0 (Jagannatha Rao is one of the corresponding authors)
  • Johant Lakey-Beitia, Velmarini Vasquez, Randy Mojica-Flores, Arelys L Fuentes C, Enrique Murillo, Muralidhar L Hegde, KS Rao, Pouteria sapota (Red Mamey Fruit): Chemistry and Biological Activity of Carotenoids, Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening, Vol 25, 1134-1147
  • Mariangela Soberón Felín, Kanix Wang, Aliya Moreira, Andrew Grose, Karen Leahy, Ying Zhou, Fatima Alibana Clouser, Maryam Siddiqui, Nicole Leong, Perpetua Goodall, Morgan Michalowski, Mahmoud Ismail, Monica Christmas, Stephen Schrantz, Zuleima Caballero, Ximena Norero, Dora Estripeaut, David Ellis, Catalina Raggi, Catherine Castro, Davina Moossazadeh, Margarita Ramirez, Abhinav Pandey, Kevin Ashi, Samantha Dovgin, Ashtyn Dixon, Xuan Li, Ian Begeman, Sharon Heichman, Joseph Lykins, Delba Villalobos-Cerrud, Lorena Fabrega, José Luis Sanchez Montalvo, Connie Mendivil, Mario R Quijada, Silvia Fernández-Pirla, Valli de La Guardia, Digna Wong, Mayrene Ladrón de Guevara, Carlos Flores, Jovanna Borace, Anabel García, Natividad Caballero, Claudia Rengifo- Herrera, Maria Theresa Moreno de Saez, Michael Politis, Kristen Wroblewski, Theodore Karrison, Stephanie Ross, Mimansa Dogra, Vishan Dhamsania, Nicholas Graves, Marci Kirchberg, Kopal Mathur, Ashley Aue, Carlos M Restrepo, Alejandro Llanes, German Guzman, Arturo Rebollon, Kenneth Boyer, Peter Heydemann, A Gwendolyn Noble, Charles Swisher, Peter Rabiah, Shawn Withers, Teri Hull, Chunlei Su, Michael Blair, Paul Latkany, Ernest Mui, Daniel Vitor Vasconcelos-Santos, Alcibiades Villareal, Ambar Perez, Carlos Andrés Naranjo Galvis, Mónica Vargas Montes, Nestor Ivan Cardona Perez, Morgan Ramirez, Cy Chittenden, Edward Wang, Laura Lorena Garcia-López, Juliana Muñoz-Ortiz, Nicolás Rivera-Valdivia, María Cristina Bohorquez-Granados, Gabriela Castaño de-la-Torre, Guillermo Padrieu, Juan David Valencia Hernandez, Daniel Celis-Giraldo, Juan Alejandro Acosta Dávila, Elizabeth Torres, Manuela Mejia Oquendo, José Y Arteaga-Rivera, Dan L Nicolae, Andrey Rzhetsky, Nancy Roizen, Eileen Stillwaggon, Larry Sawers, Francois Peyron, Martine Wallon, Emanuelle Chapey, Pauline Levigne, Carmen Charter, Migdalia De Frias, Jose Montoya, Cindy Press, Raymund Ramirez, Despina Contopoulos-Ioannidis, Yvonne Maldonado, Oliver Liesenfeld, Carlos Gomez, Kelsey Wheeler, Ellen Holfels, David Frim, David McLone, Richard Penn, William Cohen, Samantha Zehar, James McAuley, Denis Limonne, Sandrine Houze, Sylvie Abraham, Raphael Piarroux, Vera Tesic, Kathleen Beavis, Ana Abeleda, Mari Sautter, Bouchra El Mansouri, Adlaoui El Bachir, Fatima Amarir, Kamal El Bissati, Alejandra de-la-Torre, Gabrielle Britton, Jorge Motta, Eduardo Ortega- Barria, Isabel Luz Romero, Paul Meier, Michael Grigg, Jorge Gómez-Marín, Jagannatha Rao Kosagisharaf, Xavier Sáez Llorens, Osvaldo Reyes, Rima McLeod. Building Programs to Eradicate Toxoplasmosis Part I: Introduction and Overview, Current Pediatrics Reports volume 10, pages 57–92 (2022)
  • Mariangela Soberón Felín, Kanix Wang, Aliya Moreira, Andrew Grose, Karen Leahy, Ying Zhou, Fatima Alibana Clouser, Maryam Siddiqui, Nicole Leong, Perpetua Goodall, Morgan Michalowski, Mahmoud Ismail, Monica Christmas, Stephen Schrantz, Zuleima Caballero, Ximena Norero, Dora Estripeaut, David Ellis, Catalina Raggi, Catherine Castro, Claudia Rengifo-Herrera, Davina Moossazadeh, Margarita Ramirez, Abhinav Pandey, Kevin Ashi,
  • Samantha Dovgin, Ashtyn Dixon, Xuan Li, Ian Begeman, Sharon Heichman, Joseph Lykins, Delba Villalobos-Cerrud, Lorena Fabrega, José Luis Sanchez Montalvo, Connie Mendivil, Mario R Quijada, Silvia Fernández-Pirla, Valli de La Guardia, Digna Wong, Mayrene Ladrón de Guevara, Carlos Flores, Jovanna Borace, Anabel García, Natividad Caballero, Maria Theresa Moreno de Saez, Michael Politis, Stephanie Ross, Mimansa Dogra, Vishan Dhamsania, Nicholas Graves, Marci Kirchberg, Kopal Mathur, Ashley Aue, Carlos M Restrepo, Alejandro Llanes, German Guzman, Arturo Rebellon, Kenneth Boyer, Peter Heydemann, A Gwendolyn Noble, Charles Swisher, Peter Rabiah, Shawn Withers, Teri Hull, David Frim, David McLone, Chunlei Su, Michael Blair, Paul Latkany, Ernest Mui, Daniel Vitor Vasconcelos-Santos, Alcibiades Villareal, Ambar Perez, Carlos Andrés Naranjo Galvis, Mónica Vargas Montes, Nestor Ivan Cardona Perez, Morgan Ramirez, Cy Chittenden, Edward Wang, Laura Lorena Garcia-López, Juliana Muñoz- Ortiz, Nicolás Rivera-Valdivia, María Cristina Bohorquez-Granados, Gabriela Castaño de-la-Torre, Guillermo Padrieu, Juan David Valencia Hernandez, Daniel Celis-Giraldo, John Alejandro Acosta Dávila, Elizabeth Torres, Manuela Mejia Oquendo, José Y Arteaga-Rivera, Dan L Nicolae, Andrey Rzhetsky, Nancy Roizen, Eileen Stillwaggon, Larry Sawers, Francois Peyron, Martine Wallon, Emanuelle Chapey, Pauline Levigne, Carmen Charter, Migdalia De Frias, Jose Montoya, Cindy Press, Raymund Ramirez, Despina Contopoulos-Ioannidis, Yvonne Maldonado, Oliver Liesenfeld, Carlos Gomez, Kelsey Wheeler, Samantha Zehar, James McAuley, Denis Limonne, Sandrine Houze, Sylvie Abraham, Raphael Piarroux, Vera Tesic, Kathleen Beavis, Ana Abeleda, Mari Sautter, Bouchra El Mansouri, Adlaoui El Bachir, Fatima Amarir, Kamal El Bissati, Ellen Holfels, Richard Penn, William Cohen, Alejandra de-la-Torre, Gabrielle Britton, Jorge Motta, Eduardo Ortega-Barria, Isabel Luz Romero, Paul Meier, Michael Grigg, Jorge Gómez-Marín, Jagannatha Rao Kosagisharaf, Xavier Sáez Llorens, Osvaldo Reyes, Rima McLeod. Building Programs to Eradicate Toxoplasmosis Part II: Education, Current Pediatrics Reports, volume 10, pages 93–108 (2022)
  • Mariangela Soberón Felín, Kanix Wang, Aliya Moreira, Andrew Grose, Karen Leahy, Ying Zhou, Fatima Alibana Clouser, Maryam Siddiqui, Nicole Leong, Perpetua Goodall, Morgan Michalowski, Mahmoud Ismail, Monica Christmas, Stephen Schrantz, Zuleima Caballero, Ximena Norero, Dora Estripeaut, David Ellis, Catalina Raggi, Catherine Castro, Davina Moossazadeh, Margarita Ramirez, Abhinav Pandey, Kevin Ashi, Samantha Dovgin, Ashtyn Dixon, Xuan Li, Ian Begeman, Sharon Heichman, Joseph Lykins, Delba Villalobos-Cerrud, Lorena Fabrega, José Luis Sanchez Montalvo, Connie Mendivil, Mario R Quijada, Silvia Fernández-Pirla, Valli de La Guardia, Digna Wong, Mayrene Ladrón de Guevara, Carlos Flores, Jovanna Borace, Anabel García, Natividad Caballero, Claudia Rengifo- Herrera, Maria Theresa Moreno de Saez, Michael Politis, Stephanie Ross, Mimansa Dogra, Vishan Dhamsania, Nicholas Graves, Marci Kirchberg, Kopal Mathur, Ashley Aue, Carlos M Restrepo, Alejandro Llanes, German Guzman, Arturo Rebellon, Kenneth Boyer, Peter Heydemann, A Gwendolyn Noble, Charles Swisher, Peter Rabiah, Shawn Withers, Teri Hull, David Frim, David McLone, Chunlei Su, Michael Blair, Paul Latkany, Ernest Mui, Daniel Vitor Vasconcelos-Santos, Alcibiades Villareal, Ambar Perez, Carlos Andrés Naranjo Galvis, Mónica Vargas Montes, Nestor Ivan Cardona Perez, Morgan Ramirez, Cy Chittenden, Edward Wang, Laura Lorena Garcia-López, Guillermo Padrieu, Juliana Muñoz-Ortiz, Nicolás Rivera-Valdivia, María Cristina Bohorquez-Granados, Gabriela Castaño de-la-Torre, Juan David Valencia Hernandez, Daniel Celis-Giraldo, Juan Alejandro Acosta Dávila, Elizabeth Torres, Manuela Mejia Oquendo, José Y Arteaga-Rivera, Dan L Nicolae, Andrey Rzhetsky, Nancy Roizen, Eileen Stillwaggon, Larry Sawers, Francois Peyron, Martine Wallon, Emanuelle Chapey, Pauline Levigne, Carmen Charter, Migdalia De Frias, Jose Montoya, Cindy Press, Raymund Ramirez, Despina Contopoulos-Ioannidis, Yvonne Maldonado, Oliver Liesenfeld, Carlos Gomez, Kelsey Wheeler, Samantha Zehar, James McAuley, Denis Limonne, Sandrine Houze, Sylvie Abraham, Raphael Piarroux, Vera Tesic, Kathleen Beavis, Ana Abeleda, Mari Sautter, Bouchra El Mansouri, Adlaoui El Bachir, Fatima Amarir, Kamal El Bissati, Ellen Holfels, Richard Penn, William Cohen, Alejandra de-la-Torre, Gabrielle Britton, Jorge Motta, Eduardo Ortega-Barria, Isabel Luz Romero, Paul Meier, Michael Grigg, Jorge Gómez-Marín, Jagannatha Rao Kosagisharaf, Xavier Sáez Llorens, Osvaldo Reyes, Rima McLeod. Building Programs to Eradicate Toxoplasmosis Part III: Epidemiology and Risk Factors, Current Pediatrics Reports volume 10, pages 109–124 (2022)
  • Mariangela Soberón Felín, Kanix Wang, Aliya Moreira, Andrew Grose, Karen Leahy, Ying Zhou, Fatima Alibana Clouser, Maryam Siddiqui, Nicole Leong, Perpetua Goodall, Morgan Michalowski, Mahmoud Ismail, Monica Christmas, Stephen Schrantz, Zuleima Caballero, Ximena Norero, Dora Estripeaut, David Ellis, Catalina Raggi, Catherine Castro, Davina Moossazadeh, Margarita Ramirez, Abhinav Pandey, Kevin Ashi, Samantha Dovgin, Ashtyn Dixon, Xuan Li, Ian Begeman, Sharon Heichman, Joseph Lykins, Delba Villalobos-Cerrud, Lorena Fabrega, José Luis Sanchez Montalvo, Connie Mendivil, Mario R Quijada, Silvia Fernández-Pirla, Valli de La Guardia, Digna Wong, Mayrene Ladrón de Guevara, Carlos Flores, Jovanna Borace, Anabel García, Natividad Caballero, Claudia Rengifo- Herrera, Maria Theresa Moreno de Saez, Michael Politis, Stephanie Ross, Mimansa Dogra, Vishan Dhamsania, Nicholas Graves, Marci Kirchberg, Kopal Mathur, Ashley Aue, Carlos M Restrepo, Alejandro Llanes, German Guzman, Arturo Rebellon, Kenneth Boyer, Peter Heydemann, A Gwendolyn Noble, Charles Swisher, Peter Rabiah, Shawn Withers, Teri Hull, David Frim, David McLone, Chunlei Su, Michael Blair, Paul Latkany, Ernest Mui, Daniel Vitor
  • Vasconcelos-Santos, Alcibiades Villareal, Ambar Perez, Carlos Andrés Naranjo Galvis, Mónica Vargas Montes, Nestor Ivan Cardona Perez, Morgan Ramirez, Cy Chittenden, Edward Wang, Laura Lorena Garcia-López, Guillermo Padrieu, Juliana Muñoz-Ortiz, Nicolás Rivera-Valdivia, María Cristina Bohorquez-Granados, Gabriela Castaño de-la-Torre, Juan David Valencia Hernandez, Daniel Celis-Giraldo, Juan Alejandro Acosta Dávila, Elizabeth Torres, Manuela Mejia Oquendo, José Y Arteaga-Rivera, Dan L Nicolae, Andrey Rzhetsky, Nancy Roizen, Eileen Stillwaggon, Larry Sawers, Francois Peyron, Martine Wallon, Emanuelle Chapey, Pauline Levigne, Carmen Charter, Migdalia De Frias, Jose Montoya, Cindy Press, Raymund Ramirez, Despina Contopoulos-Ioannidis, Yvonne Maldonado, Oliver Liesenfeld, Carlos Gomez, Kelsey Wheeler, Samantha Zehar, James McAuley, Denis Limonne, Sandrine Houze, Sylvie Abraham, Raphael Piarroux, Vera Tesic, Kathleen Beavis, Ana Abeleda, Mari Sautter, Bouchra El Mansouri, Adlaoui El Bachir, Fatima Amarir, Kamal El Bissati, Ellen Holfels, Richard Penn, William Cohen, Alejandra de-la-Torre, Gabrielle Britton, Jorge Motta, Eduardo Ortega-Barria, Isabel Luz Romero, Paul Meier, Michael Grigg, Jorge Gómez-Marín, Jagannatha Rao Kosagisharaf, Xavier Sáez Llorens, Osvaldo Reyes, Rima McLeod, Building Programs to Eradicate Toxoplasmosis Part IV: Understanding and Development of Public Health Strategies and Advances “Take a Village”. Current Pediatrics Reports volume 10, pages 125–154 (2022)
  • DJ Kumar, M Govindaraju, P Narayan, P Ramasamy, HG Nagendra, KS Jagannatha Rao, KRK Easwaran, Interactions of amyloid precursor protein intracellular domain (AICD) with copper and DNA fragment reveal conformational changes that trigger AD, Current Topics in Peptide and Protein Research, 2022, 23, 37-46
  • Chong Li, Jayanth Kosagisharaf Rao, Lakshmi Sowmya Emani, Rao Jagannatha Kosagisharaf, Muralidhar L Hegde, The self-renewal and reprogramming of cancer stem cells and their crosstalk with the immune microenvironment, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 2022, 10, 1-5
  • Joy Mitra, Manohar Kodavati, Vincent E Provasek, KS Rao, Sankar Mitra, Dale J Hamilton, Philip J Horner, Farhaan S Vahidy, Gavin W Britz, Thomas A Kent, Muralidhar L Hegde. SARS-CoV-2 and the central nervous system: Emerging insights into hemorrhage-associated neurological consequences and therapeutic considerations, Ageing Res Rev, 2022 Sep; 80:101687
  • Masoumeh Bayat, Reza Boostani, Malihe Sabeti, Fariba Yadegari, Mohammadreza Pirmoradi, KS Rao, Mohammad Nami, Source Localization and Spectrum Analyzing of EEG in Stuttering State upon Dysfluent Utterances, Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, 2023, 23, 15500594221150638
  • González, ; Mojica-Flores, R.; Moreno-Labrador, D.; Cubilla-Rios, L.; Rao, K.S.J.; Fernández, P.L.; Larionov, O.V.; Lakey-Beitia, J. Polyphenols with Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Synthesis and Biological Activity of Novel Curcumin Derivatives. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 24, 3691


  • Velmarini Vasquez, Joy Mitra, Erika N. Guerrero, Pavana M. Hegde, K. S. Rao, and Muralidhar L. Hegde, Ion- Catalyzed Reactive Oxygen Species in Sporadic Models of Parkinson's Disease, In Book Chapter for Mitochondrial Mechanisms of Degeneration and Repair, Editor: Lori M Buhlman, Springer Publisher, 2016, 75-114
  • Chitra K.C, Rao K.S.J and Swami K.S. Conversion of urea nitrogen into proteins by fresh water fish In: Guanidines, (eds. Mori A, Cohen B.D, Lowenthal A). Plenum Press, London, 113-118, 1985.
  • Rao K.S.J. In vitro enzymatic toxicity test model - a validity approach. In: In vitro toxicology - Approaches to validation, (Ed. Goldberg A.M), Mary Ann Liebert Inc.Publ.USA, No.5, 421-452, 1987
  • Anitha S, Shanmugavelu P, Rao G.V, Shankar S.K, Rani B. Menon, Rao R.V, Rao K.S.J and Zecca L Chapter 16: Molecular Understanding of Aluminum Bio-inorganic Chemistry in relevance to the Pathology of Alzheimer's In: ACS Symposium series on Group 13 Chemistry: From Fundamentals to Applications (Eds: Shapiro P.J, Atwood D.A) Vol 822, pages: 228-245, 2002
  • Velmarini Vasquez, Joy Mitra, Erika N. Guerrero, Pavana M. Hegde, K.S. Rao, and Muralidhar L. Hegde, Ion- Catalyzed Reactive Oxygen Species in Sporadic Models of Parkinson’s Disease Book Title: Mitochondrial Mechanisms of Neurodegeneration and repair in Parkinson’s Diseases (Springer Publication) 2016


  • D students: 20, Masters: 75, Undergraduates: 250

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